Year 1 – Time flies when you are having fun!

What a fabulous start to Year One we have all had! The sun has been shining and the children have all made an excellent start to learning the routines and expectations of life in Year 1. We have started the term learning all about superheroes! Questions such as ‘What is a superhero?’ and ‘What superhero qualities do you have?’ enabled us to think about working as a team in our classes and helping each other by doing even the simplest acts of kindness. If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours! We are learning that we may not have super ‘magical powers’ but with helping hands, kind words and excellent listening skills we have the power to become our own special Year 1 superheroes! The children have smoothly adapted to their daily routine and approach each lesson with excitement and a strong desire to learn. Despite the packed timetable, they are consistently amazed at how rapidly each day passes by! A phrase we often hear from both teachers and students is, “Time flies when you’re having fun!” Through our “Learning for Life” lessons, we’ve been focusing on fostering a joyful and equitable classroom environment. In Science, the children have been exploring the five senses, and this week, they particularly enjoyed investigating how their pupils respond to various conditions by changing in size. A fantastic start Year 1. Keep up the good work!

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Whole School Open Morning-Thursday 12 November, 09:30am 

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