Welcome to Upper Prep

Upper Prep includes Years 4, 5, and 6 and guides children through a period of significant academic and personal growth. This phase promotes a thorough yet smooth passage that holistically prepares the children  for their transition to secondary education. This phase focuses on independence, critical thinking,academic excellence and character development.

Throughout the Upper Prep the children continue to experience specialist lessons for sport, music, languages and art and design technology. In addition, we adopt a greater specialist approach for the children in Years 5 and 6, across the curriculum, thus further preparing them for their transition to Senior School.

Year 4

Year 4 marks the transition from Lower Prep to Upper Prep, highlighting independence and critical evaluation. Children engage deeply with the curriculum, embracing a cross-curricular approach that continues to drive engagement and purpose to the learning experience. English and mathematics remain a core focus enhanced by a more analytical and evaluative perspective. Children are encouraged to be self-reflective and take a greater ownership of their learning whilst the teachers guide and support the process by employing a range of coaching strategies and practices.

Year 5

Year 5 continues to build on foundational skills with increased responsibilities and more complex academic challenges.

Whilst preparation for senior school examinations is built stealthily into the children’s journey throughout the school, it takes a more explicit role in Year 5.  The children engage in specialised lessons that hone their skills in English, mathematics and reasoning, ensuring they are well-prepared for these academic expectations. The curriculum also incorporates mindfulness practices that support wellbeing.  Strategies and exercises are provided to help manage any potential anxieties and enhance focus during this important stage of the children’s educational journey.

Year 6

Year 6 is a pivotal stage in preparing for secondary education.Children’s skills and knowledge are refined across all subjects while broadening their understanding of future educational and career opportunities. The integrated approach between specialist lessons helps make meaningful connections between subjects and fosters a holistic understanding. This also prepares the children well for the interdisciplinary nature of secondary education.

Learning Beyond the Classroom

Our children in Year 6 gain developmental experiences beyond the classroom through a number of special events and activities over the course of their final year that includes English Speaking Board examinations, community initiatives with our parents’ association and beyond, careers, entrepreneurial activities and a musical production performed at The Elgiva Theatre, Chesham.

Enrichment Week

Year 6 children participate in a dedicated Enrichment Week, that includes an entrepreneurial task and careers event. Professionals, including parents, from a broad variety of  sectors,visit the school to discuss their careers, providing the children with insights into a range of professions and businesses. Additionally, the children take part in career guidance sessions that help them identify their interests and strengths. These are supported by activities that encourage them to think about their future roles in terms of both personal satisfaction and community contribution.

A highlight of this week is the opportunity for the children to develop their skills of entrepreneurship, leadership and collaboration through a group task linked to the real world that culminates with a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style presentation of the projects

Transition to Senior School

Children are supported throughout their final year with their transition to senior school. Support can be found in various guises, from creating a nurturing environment where children feel comfortable expressing their concerns about their next steps, by providing opportunities to meet with former pupils and their parents about the transition to senior school, to meeting with pastoral teams from their future schools. . This support has a positive impact  in helping children adjust to their new school environment and succeed academically, personally and socially.

We are proud of the competent, capable and individual young adults our Year 6 children become before moving on to senior school. We are confident that they are well prepared with the right strategies and character to fully embrace the next stage of their educational journeys. Although they will no longer be with us in person, they forever remain a special part of the Gateway School community.

Want to know more?

If you are interested in a place at Gateway School and would like to know what Gateway School can offer for your child,  please fill out and submit the enquiry form here and someone will contact you to arrange a visit or provide you with more details.

If you would like to register your child  for a place at Gateway School,  please fill out the registration form here.

Upcoming Events

Whole School Open Morning-Tuesday 12 November, 09:30am 

To register your interest for our next open morning or Preschool event or to arrange a private tour of the school with our Headteacher, please fill out the form below to book your place and we will be in touch shortly.