Year 4 – Angles and ancient tribes

As we near the end of the year, we have plenty to look forward to with Sports Day and our last trip of the year to Saint Albans Cathedral where the children will take part in a workshop and learn more about Viking life. We will finish this topic with an exciting Viking day. Further details to follow soon!

Preparations have begun in our English lessons in readiness for the English Speaking Board examinations at the end of June. There is a wide range of topics for the talks ranging from the history of the Triathlon to the Loch Ness Monster. All of the children are working very hard both at home and in school and we look forward to hearing their poetry recitals and presentations.

In Maths this week, we have been learning all about angles. The children have enjoyed the outdoor learning, where they navigated their friends around an obstacle course using their knowledge of turns, and found angles in real-life objects when exploring the school. They are proud of their ‘angles art’ too, which look very effective.

Upcoming Events

Whole School Open Morning-Thursday 12 November, 09:30am 

To register your interest for our next open morning or Preschool event or to arrange a private tour of the school with our Headteacher, please fill out the form below to book your place and we will be in touch shortly.