Year 6 – Bientôt à la maison!

Year 6 enjoyed an incredibly successful Enterprise Week last half term. They worked well in small groups and organised themselves effectively; adhering to a jam packed timeline of activities. They decided on their original problem to solve, created various prototypes, thought about their target market and created an advertising campaign. Their ideas were extremely varied and they all worked hard to achieve success. We have no doubt that there are many future entrepreneurs amongst this cohort and eagerly anticipate hearing of their future endeavours.

At the end of May, we hosted our first Transition Event for both pupils and parents. We were delighted to welcome six Gateway alumni, and their parents, who generously shared their academic and pastoral experiences of making the transition to secondary school. Staff also discussed the ways in which they prepare pupils and Mrs Knight gave an insight from the perspective of being a former secondary school teacher. The evening was well attended and we hope to make this an annual event.

At the end of last half term, we were extremely fortunate to welcome a number of parents into school, who kindly came to talk to Year 6 about their careers in a wide range of fields. We were fascinated to learn more about their exciting roles, including a vet, a judge, an interior designer and a television producer to name a few! This was an excellent opportunity for the children to learn more about what each job or business might involve; they had lots of interesting and insightful questions to ask the speakers about their work. The whole year group were also given an engaging talk about how careers might change in the future due to the development of technology and we then considered what key skills might be most valuable for employers. We are very thankful to everyone who gave up their time for this motivational and inspirational event, which we all thoroughly enjoyed.

As we go to press we are looking forward to Year 6 returning from their French trip. We can’t wait to hear all the news about their fun packed week away.

Upcoming Events

Whole School Open Morning-Thursday 12 November, 09:30am 

To register your interest for our next open morning or Preschool event or to arrange a private tour of the school with our Headteacher, please fill out the form below to book your place and we will be in touch shortly.