Preschool – Settling into school life!

What an amazing start to the Preschool year we have had! The children have enjoyed exploring their new classroom area (which was previously a Year 4 classroom). The extra space has meant that new children have settled in more quickly and the Pre-reception children have had the opportunity to really feel like big children in preparation for Reception next year. They have had great fun getting to know Mr Mitchener who has been teaching them not only Music but French too.

The children have been busy learning to recognise their names, learning about themselves and how their families differ from each other. They have done lots of learning in their new environment and are also making good use of the Preschool garden, where it was noticed that it wasn’t just the children who have had a growth spurt during the Summer holiday, but the runner beans have too! The children had great fun popping the pods and getting the little beans out of their skins, which then led to ‘potion making’ in the water tray.

The two year olds have been busy exploring their local environment and enjoyed a walk to the local library where they loved looking through books and listening to stories.

There are a few new faces that have been welcomed into Gateway Preschool and new friendships are beginning to form. We really can’t wait to see how much fun and learning we will get up to this year.

We had National Fitness Day which was great fun, a huge thank you to Mr Roberts for organising it and to the Year 6 children for helping guide the children around!

Upcoming Events

Whole School Open Morning-Thursday 12 November, 09:30am 

To register your interest for our next open morning or Preschool event or to arrange a private tour of the school with our Headteacher, please fill out the form below to book your place and we will be in touch shortly.