Preschool learn about… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Preschool learn about halving and sharing

Preschool children have been busy practising sports day this week, in preparation for the real thing! They did really well, following instructions and completing challenges in their groups. They all tried very hard to do their best throwing, jumping, aiming and running. We look forward to seeing you all at the real sports day event next week!

Children have been practising super counting all week. They’ve counted claps, jumps, hops and twirls to twenty and back. We have focused on teen numbers to remind the children of what they look like, how to form them and where they go on a number line. We also introduced halving at the beginning of the week. Using picture prompts, children thought about food that is often cut in half at home and began to understand the idea of sharing one half and keeping the other. Children practised this concept by folding and cutting shapes and pictures in half; creating a ‘half’ collage.

Thank you for attending our ‘Year Ahead’ meetings this week. We hope they were helpful and informative for both transition and Preschool parents. Please do come and have a chat with us if you have any other questions about preparing for the year ahead.

With a recent weather forecast predicting warmer weather next week; please do ensure that your child comes to school with a sunhat, T-shirt and shorts, suncream and appropriate footwear. A change of clothes is ideal as we allow the children more water tray play

Finally, an email has gone out this week to allow you to register and access your child’s summer report. If you have any questions, please speak to a member of the Preschool team. Happy reading!

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