Reception - Hissing… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Reception - Hissing snakes and puffing pigs

This term has already been jam-packed full of excitement and fun in Reception! The pupils have all settled really well into their new class and are very ready to learn.

The learning kicked off with a review of the phonics many had already learnt. There were plenty of hissing snakes and puffing pigs as the class practised the early phonic sounds. They are all making fabulous progress.

Each day the children have been developing their Maths skills. We have had two focus numbers each week and the children have loved representing the number in different ways and spotting the number around school. Next week our numbers are 7 and 8. A few children were able to accurately count well beyond 20 and everyone was very encouraging and supportive of each other's brilliant efforts.

Alongside the rest of the school, we have been taking part in assemblies and have really relished the chance to show how well we can sit and listen just like the children further up the school. The class has particularly enjoyed singing assemblies and always walk back to class singing a jolly tune.

A definite highlight to our week is when Madame Morrall joins us for French. The children have loved meeting the French speaking puppets she brings with her and their joy at learning a different language is clear to see. Maybe ask your child how to count in French - you may well be impressed.

All in all the children have had a great start to their school year. They have adapted well to being in Reception class and are becoming much more able to take a little more responsibility and be ready and engaged in their learning. Carrying on with the theme of responsibility, the children are always eager to tell other teachers and visitors about their ‘Ownership of Learning’ board. Each week they get to add learning opportunities and activities that they would like to explore in the week. We have had some fantastic contributions from the children and they love seeing their ideas come alive in the classroom. Keep up the great work.

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