Year 1 - Enthusiasm, fun… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 1 - Enthusiasm, fun and challenge

What a super start to our Year 1 journey! The children have settled into the Year 1 routine so quickly and tackled every lesson with enthusiasm and a fantastic lust for learning. The timetable is a very busy one and the children are always surprised at how quickly each day flies by.

Our favourite phrase is repeated frequently by both the teachers and children alike, ‘time flies when you are having fun!’ and we have certainly had a lot of fun in our first half term. It has been a joy to see the children encouraging each other to do well and strive to do their best in every lesson with positive comments and kind phrases.

The children love nothing more than a challenge! Whether it is thinking of adjectives to describe different characters from ‘The Gruffalo’ in English lessons or using their knowledge of number bonds to 10 and beyond to solve number problems, the children can’t wait to demonstrate their level of knowledge and understanding.

We have been learning the importance of online safety in our computing lessons and how to create a happy and fair classroom through our Learning for life studies. The children have been investigating their five senses in Science which have involved making their own ‘magic ears’ for our listening walk, carrying out a class survey to find out the most popular eye colour and making a pictogram to show the results.

‘My Best’, ‘Star of the week’ and of course the very popular ‘House points’ have all contributed to the excitement of working hard and celebrating our achievements. It really has been a fabulous start to the academic year and I look forward to seeing each member of the class go from strength to strength! Have a great half term everyone and a well deserved rest!

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