Year 1- Joyeuses Pâques! | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 1- Joyeuses Pâques!

Miss Topping’s classroom has been abuzz with renditions of ‘Dans la Ferme de Mathurin’ (Old MacDonald had a Farm) over the past couple of weeks! During their French lessons Year 1 have had a lot of fun consolidating their Spring animal vocab by joining in with this classic song, and they were intrigued to learn that French children describe some animal noises differently to them. They’ve also enjoyed games of pictionary, Jacques a dit (Simon Says) and a silhouette guessing game.

Their French-speaking ragdoll friend Tilly has also been so impressed with how well they’ve learnt how to say where they live, as well as which animals they like! Next week we’ll hopefully be able to squeeze in an Easter egg hunt to review numbers and practise everything we’ve learnt this term. Joyeuses Pâques!

If you fancy learning how to moo like a French cow or neigh like a French horse!

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