Year 1 - Wordles and… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 1 - Wordles and acrostic poems

This week has been busy as we have been creating Easter poems and thinking of longer, warmer days, pink blossom, bluebells, lambs, hot cross buns and Easter eggs! We made a ‘Wordle’ to record all the words we could use and learnt how an acrostic poem is devised. We were amazed at the children’s enthusiasm and the content they included when writing poems. They particularly enjoyed using their imagination when describing the size and smell of the Easter eggs!

We then practised reading instructions and following a recipe. This was important as they made shredded wheat Easter nests to put mini eggs in. I wonder if any will actually make it home? We continued our celebration of Easter and practised our cutting and combining skills making movable chick and egg models.

Our Maths lessons were spent measuring different lengths in centimetres using a ruler and we learnt the importance of always starting at 0cm when measuring.

The children have worked so hard this term and hope you all have a peaceful and enjoyable Easter holiday.

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