Year 2 - Seaside,… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 2 - Seaside, survival and show time!

In Maths we finished last half term learning about measuring. We discussed capacity and volume and we started by estimating weight to then learn about mass, grams and kilograms. This half term we will keep learning about measuring, focusing on liquids now.

In English we are desperate to know what happens on the next page of Flotsam! We have used this book as inspiration to design a fantasy setting, to make descriptions and to predict what we think will happen next. We are now making an advert (persuasive leaflet, as we call it) to get visitors to come to our magical underwater playground. It is all very exciting.

In Science after learning about germination and pollination we will move onto things that are living, dead or things that have never been alive. We will discuss how living things are more suitable to thrive in certain habitats and explore all the different possibilities.

Our Topic for the Summer term is still the Seaside. We will talk about the railway and how its appearance affected seaside holidays. And we heard Punch and Judy may be making a comeback!

In our Religious Studies we will keep learning about Judaism exploring the ways Jewish people show their commitment to God.

For Learning for Life we will explore the cycle of life, what it means and how it affects us, helping us to deal with changes with an open mind.

We cannot wait to show you our Summer production. We are buzzing with anticipation!

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