Year 4 enjoy drama… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 4 enjoy drama challenges and sculpting characters

Over the last few weeks, year 4 have enjoyed trying out some different drama challenges at home. One game we played was called, “This is not a…” For this task, the children had to use their imagination and acting skills to pretend that a household object was actually something different. They were then asked to create some freeze frames or short mimes, where they pretended that the object chosen was something else. Other members of the class then had to guess what the object had become! Can you guess what the objects are in our photos?

This week, we are setting a new challenge for the children to ‘sculpt’ a favourite or well known character from a book. By thinking about body position and facial expressions the children have been asked to either ‘sculpt’ themselves or a willing volunteer into their chosen character. We are looking forward to sharing some more photographs of these and seeing whether we can guess the characters correctly.

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