Year 4 explore the… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 4 explore the emotive language in 'Escape from Pompeii'

Year 4 have started reading the story 'Escape from Pompeii', which follows the boy Tranio, the son of an actor, and his friend Livia, the baker's daughter, in witnessing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. We discussed how the characters in the book viewed the mighty Mount Vesuvius and their life in Pompeii before the eruption and compared this to the aftermath of the eruption. Each person then took turns being in the 'hot seat' and was interviewed about their feelings before and after the event. It was fantastic to see the range of emotions shown through facial expression and vocal intonation and this has helped us get into the people of Pompeii’s shoes, ready to write a diary entry from their perspective.

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