Year 4 children complete… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 4 children complete their 'Volcano' books

Year 4 children complete their 'Volcano' books

year 4 volcano textsCome and look at the colourful and informative explanation books that are exploding with facts all about volcanoes. The wall in our classroom looks amazing and we have tried to make it look like the book rack at the front of the classroom. What do you think?

"Making the book was quite hard and you had to think very carefully to make sure that the information was accurate" - George

"It was fun making them because we could find our own information and present it in any way we chose" - Will

"We needed to put our time into them and not rush them" -James

"I liked reading everybody else's and commenting on the good bits" -Sarah

"I enjoyed decorating them and making them come alive with colour" - Grace

"You had to keep looking back at your work and check what you had already written" - 0llie

"It needed lots of effort and use of any spare moments to work on them to make them perfect" - Alice

"We had to really concentrate on what we were doing" -Jasmine

"I felt very proud when my classmates wrote nice comments about my book" - Harry W

"It was an interesting project, finding out about lots of volcano facts" - Elspeth

"I enjoyed making a bright front cover"- Lexie

"You feel nervous at the start that you might mess it up" - Toby

"I really enjoyed looking at other people's" - Amara

"I was excited to read other people's comments about the book" - Lillie

"I liked using the internet to find lovely pictures and information" - Sam

"It was a really challenging task" - Harry C

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