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Year 4 children lead assembly for World Book Day

Year 4 children lead assembly for World Book Day

It was the turn of Mrs Kemp’s class to lead the assembly on Thursday for World Book Day. The theme is ‘Traditional Tales’.

Year 4 assembly

Mrs Kemp explained that traditional tales are stories that would have been told orally and passed down through generations. They include myths, legends, fables and fairy stories. Traditional tales come from all regions of England as well as countries around the world.Traditional Tales 1 book read

Traditional Tales 2Traditional tales 3

Trad Tales 4Trad tales 5

You might like to read some at home!

This year we are trying something new! All of the children have been asked to bring in a book which they have read and which they are prepared to swap. There is a sticker in the front of the book for each reader to record their name. We will be able to track how many times a book is swapped during the rest of the term. Mrs Kemp’s class presented their ‘swap’ books to the assembly but were only allowed to use three words to describe them. This was quite a challenge because the children had to think really carefully about their vocabulary choices in order to try and capture the flavour of their books. Mrs Kemp read, ‘The True Story of The Three Little Pigs’ by Jon Scieszka which is a retelling of the traditional tale from the wolf’s perspective.

This has been a very busy week for us and we have enjoyed learning about our ‘Take One Picture’ painting of ‘Orpheus’ by Roelendt Savery. In year 4, the focus has been on the collection of animals in the picture which were part of a zoo that Savery had created. Using the ‘paint’ programme in ICT we produced some imaginary, endangered animals of our own. We then used the creatures as the focus for some non fiction instruction writing in English, creating colourful leaflets explaining how to look after them. Using clay, we have moulded animals to make our own Zoo which is going to be the centre piece of the Year 4 ‘Take One Picture’ exhibition next weekend.


Perimeter and area have been the topic for maths and we are designing our own zoos and calculating how much fencing, turf, gravel we need to build the enclosures for the animals.

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