Injury Seminar Report | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Injury Seminar Report

Injury Seminar Report

Last Wednesday evening we were joined by Paul and Jess from Elite Physical Medicine in Aylesbury. Paul and Jess spoke about the sorts of injuries that are common in youngsters and the signs and symptoms to look out for. It’s important that we know what is happening with children’s bodies and never neglect any pain they may feel because of sport.

“It has really made me think about getting a definite diagnosis rather than accepting growing pains. It has been a fantastic evening with lots of information.”
~Anonymous Parent

Paul continued the seminar on how important performing actions with the correct technique and how strengthening the core muscles is paramount to controlling technique. This pre-hab is essential to reducing the possibility of injury through sport. Paul and Jess then opened the floor to questions and were able to advise parents more on specific questions such as making sure warming up should be dynamic and stretching after exercise/training is paramount to ensuring peak performance.

I will definitely think more about warming up properly and making sure I stretch after exercise. I never realised it was so important for children to concentrate on stretching.

A huge thank you to Elite Physical Medicine’s Paul and Jess for giving their time. It was extremely useful for parents and reassured PE staff about how we structure our warm ups and cool downs. I look forward to inviting Paul and Jess back for a follow up seminar in the near future

For further information on learning resources created by the Elite Physical Medicine Team please visit

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