Nursery children have a… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Nursery children have a very musical week

Nursery children have a very musical week

It has been a musical week in Nursery. The children have continued to learn their Christmas songs, I'm sure you are hearing many of these at home. Costume slips have gone home this week, please can these be in for the 2nd December ready for a dress rehearsal the following week. We will send the costumes home again if your child does not normally attend Nursery on a Friday.

For your information the Christmas play is on Friday 9th December at 10am in the school hall. We look forward to seeing you all there.

As many of you may be aware, part of our classroom is going to be transformed into a Christmas Grotto for the school fayre. We have begun to get creative making props for this area with the children. We would welcome any contributions to help decorate this area, homemade or otherwise.

Next week we will be learning about the role of a Postman by writing letters to Father Christmas. The children will be finding out where to send the letters and will post them on our afternoon visit to the village.

Parent Consultations are next Monday and Wednesday evening, if you cannot attend on either of these evenings please speak to your child's key worker to arrange an alternative date.

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Gateway Pupil in music lesson