Preschool explore mixing… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Preschool explore mixing colours

Preschool explore mixing colours

Our introduction to 3D shapes this week has led to lots of inspirational ideas. Using a range of resources, the children have created dinosaurs, cars, robots and even managed a unicorn! Whilst being creative, we focussed on teaching the children to name a sphere, cylinder, cone and a cube. At home, this can be reinforced by naming 3D shapes in the environment.

The children have explored mixing colours and had a fun but messy time mixing different coloured paint with their hands to see what changes occurred. Please have a look at the photographs up in the classroom.

Snow bought much excitement with children commenting on the seasonal changes. Xavier said, “The snow tickled my nose.” Jemima said, “The snow looked beautiful but I don’t like it getting in my eye.” Amelia noticed that the snow was disappearing and it was foggy now.

If we are forecast more snow please would you make sure your child has a warm hat, gloves and boots all named as we will go outside. A complete change of clothes would also be helpful so that we can ensure the children remain warm and dry after playing.

At home you might like to help your child put on their own outdoor clothing this will help to promote independence in their self help skills.

We have been busy this week, printing off the photos you have added to your child’s learning journal on Tapestry. This can be seen displayed on our planning wheel, please keep adding to this as it is lovely to see what the children have been doing at home.

Next week we will be focussing on the story the Snail and the Whale with lots of interesting activities being planned.

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