Preschool enjoy being… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Preschool enjoy being back!

Preschool enjoy being back!

WOW! What a fantastic return Preschool has had after such a long time at home. The teachers are extremely proud of how optimistic the children have been and it was a joy to see 100 per cent of the children skipping into school on their first day back. We would like to thank the parents for their support in making the transition back to school with new routines in place a smooth and easy process. The independence has been truly astounding as the children confidently leave their parents at the gate and enter Preschool managing their own belongings.

We began our week with a 'news' session about what the children have been doing at home. As soon as Benji announced he can now ride his bike without stabilisers, lots of excited voices screeched, "Me too"! As the week has progressed, the children have become familiar with the new routine, lunchtime being a firm favourite. The children like to compare with their friends what delicious food they have got and have been discussing their own likes and dislikes.

The 2 metre distance has proved to be challenging at times, however the children are understanding the need for 'no touch' and have kept to their 'safe space' within the classroom. We have made the most of limited furniture and no carpets - the children formed letters using chalk on the floor during phonics and have been painting numbers freely, creating a new colourful floor!

Mark making opportunities has been endless, a road mat is no longer needed, the children have drawn their own using chalk. After reading a story about frogs, the children learnt how to draw a simple frog and used a range of resources to create a pond and lily pads.

All the pictures that have been drawn are being kept in a book and will be sent home at the end of term. We hope the children have enjoyed their first week back as much as we have. We look forward to welcoming them back after a well-deserved restful weekend.

Gateway in Pictures

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