Preschool - Dragons,… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Preschool - Dragons, lava and language

Preschool - Dragons, lava and language

Excitement levels were sky high in Gateway Preschool last week. The children were surprised to find a dragon egg in Preschool along with a letter from Dr Agon! The letter explained that if the children created wondrous rhyming spells, carefully measured and poured potions and mixed primary colours to make new colours then the egg would hatch. The children eagerly set to work on the tasks and when they were all completed the egg hatched. Everyone was delighted to meet their new friendly little Preschool dragon. It was so wonderful to see the children so engaged in their tasks without even realising they were learning about volume in Maths and rhyme in English!

This week Preschool welcomed some Year 6 student helpers into their classroom and they worked together making Valentine’s potions. The Year 6 pupils were brilliant with the Preschoolers and each group of children really benefited from working together.

In our French lessons, Madame Morrall has been focusing on face parts - eyes, noses, mouths - see what your child can recall. During Music classes, Mr Mitchener has been mirroring our focus on rhyme and has been introducing the children to some new nursery rhymes.

The PE team have been playing ‘The Floor is Lava’ which is a firm favourite with everyone and is really helping to hone attention and listening skills.

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