Preschool talk about… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Preschool talk about their watches

Preschool talk about their watches

This week, the children have enjoyed bringing in their watches from home. It was lovely to see the delight on the their faces as they talked about their watch to a large group. The show and tell opportunity allowed the children to use descriptive language, practice listening skills and share their special item with their peers. The watches were used as inspiration to be creative and make our own clocks. Please feel welcome to come and see your child's work on our 'Hickory Dickory Dock' display.

Bingo! was heard being shouted around Preschool again this week. The children learnt about o'clock times when playing time bingo and are all enjoying trying to tell the time. At home you may like to refer to the clock when your child is having, breakfast, lunch, bath or bed time and help them to read the time.

We also incorporated time into our cooking activity. Preschool made chocolate crispy cakes and used a stopwatch to record how long it took for the chocolate to melt. Lottie thought it would take fifty minutes and Poppy thought it would take five minutes to melt. It actually took 6 minutes and 28 seconds!

Next week we will be continuing with nursery rhymes and enjoying lots of different activities around the chosen one.

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