Pupil report: Year 5's… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Pupil report: Year 5's trip to Ironbridge

Pupil report: Year 5's trip to Ironbridge

11-001Last week, Year 5 enjoyed an overnight trip to Ironbridge in Shropshire.

Cameron M wrote the following diary entry about the trip:

"Dear Diary,

My Ironbridge excursion began on Wednesday 15th May at approximately 8.10am as we boarded the coach and set off towards Shropshire. There were many people who had brought games to pass the two hour journey and some teachers took photos to record our visit.

Before long we had arrived at Warwick Service Station, on the M40, where we had a snack, before re-commencing our journey. After about an hour we arrived at Coalbrookdale and when the iron bridge was in sight, there was a big cheer! We parked in the nearby car park and walked along the banks of the River Severn, taking many photos – both on the bridge and below. From underneath there was a shape that was said to be the face of the inventor Abraham Darby 111’s –made by his workers.

Next, we had a group photo before visiting the Ironbridge Gorge Museum and from then we went to a very interactive museum. It was called Enginuity and I would recommend it to both families and children, as there were three sections full of science orientated puzzles. The most popular section was the ‘Water Area’ as it had lots of water activities but Mr Bridges seemed very interested in a scientific robot, that made Ironbridge (Well, what do you expect?) Several hours later we rolled up at the Youth Hostel, perched high on a hill just outside Ironbridge centre. We were sorted into groups and then we had to make our beds. Let me tell you in advance that to do this will be a complete pain!"

Read Cameron's diary entry in full here.

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