Reception focus on… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Reception focus on friendship

Reception focus on friendship

Despite it being rather chilly, Reception have had another busy week, and we have thoroughly enjoyed our focus activities on ‘Friendship’. We started the week making up our very own friendship recipe and thought of some fantastic ingredients, such as being kind, sharing, thoughtful and being able to take turns, before writing them all in a list. The children were very good at thinking of the qualities that make a good friend when we made our own class brainstorms and it has been lovely to see many of these qualities being displayed during play times both in and out of the classrooms. Following on from creating our friendship recipe, we then went on to make a friendship jam with the ingredients we had thought of, and even made a yummy jam sandwich to have for a snack! Making friendship bracelets, completing friendship puzzles, and making a friendship tree with our handprints have also been some fantastic highlights of our week. Please have a look on Tapestry to see some super photos of these fun activities this week. Have a good weekend!

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