Reception - Ready for… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Reception - Ready for Year 1

Reception - Ready for Year 1

Reception have been as busy as ever, what with Sports Day and getting ready for their end of year performance.

They spent lots of time during their P E lessons preparing for Sports Day and they did extremely well and should be very proud of themselves. There were lots of cheers of encouragement from the crowds which helped spur the children on to throw further, jump longer and run really, really quickly. Lots of fun was had by everyone. Thank you to everyone who came to watch and also to the P E department for organising such a lovely Sports Day for the children.

Our topic this half term has been ‘Under The Sea’, which has fitted in perfectly with the timing of their swimming lessons and the children practising their swimming skills. They also learnt all about the names of different groups of sea animals, for example, a group of crabs is called a cast of crabs and quite fittingly, a group of sharks is called a shiver of sharks.

The children also had their transition day into Year 1, where they found out who their new teacher will be and had a little taste of what life in Year 1 will be like. They had so much fun and they are all more than ready to move up into Year 1 after a fantastic and fun, yet busy and hardworking, year in Reception.

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