Reception - Tigers and… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Reception - Tigers and Rockstars!

Reception - Tigers and Rockstars!

What a busy few weeks Reception has had, with Take One Picture week, Maths Day and Mental Health Week. It has been go, go, go and Reception has been full of lots of fun and excitement.

Our topic has been ‘People Who Help Us.’ Reception were so lucky to have visits from various professionals, such as a news reporter, our school nurse, our caretaker and many more. The children visited the local librarian in person and were lucky enough to scan their own books out of the library during their visit.

Our Take One Picture week consisted of seeing how far the children could leap and how high they could jump after answering the questions of ‘How high can a tiger jump?’ and ‘How far can a tiger leap?’. The children also enjoyed making giant tiger paw prints out of salt dough and making rain shakers out of cardboard tubes. All of these ideas were all the children’s and from their curiosity about the picture Surprise! by Henri Rousseau. There were also postcards written by the children from the ‘jungle’ and suitcases containing writing about what the children would want to take with them to the jungle. Not forgetting the growing of grass and cress to look like some of the grass from the painting. The children are excited to see the difference or similarities in how the cress and grass grow.

For Maths Day, the children loved dressing up as Rock Stars and a fantastic effort was made by all the children (and staff too). Reception were given the challenge to answer Maths questions as a group effort to find the secret code. These secret code words were then joined together by Year 2 who had collected the secret code words from Preschool, Reception, Year 1 and the code that Year 2 themselves had cracked. Lots of fun was had and lots of Maths too.

For Mental Health Week, Reception thought carefully about how they could do something kind for someone else each day and also something kind for their mind each day too.

Spring is on the way and we have enjoyed looking for the first signs of Spring in Forest School and watching the changes in different flowers, such as the daffodils and snowdrops. The children listened carefully and could hear different birds and even saw bluetits and robins feeding from the bird feeder with the sight of a tiny feather or two.

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