Reception - Writing,… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Reception - Writing, rehearsals and reports

Reception - Writing, rehearsals and reports

The sun has warmly welcomed us all back to our final half term in Reception. Long may it continue! It was lovely to see the happy faces of the children entering the front door on Monday morning! We are continuing to focus on our independent writing through sharing holiday news and labelling and retelling of the story of Noah’s Ark. Noah’s Ark has provided a great link to learning our double numbers to 10 in Maths, through games, written work and problem solving. We have also been thrilled to see that so many children have obviously been practising their words for the play over the half term break which has allowed us to really get to grips with the summer production too. Please continue to rehearse these lines with your children at home over the next few weeks, encouraging clear speech and intonation. We look forward to receiving the report comments from you all by Wednesday 16th June. Enjoy the sunny weekend and see you all on Monday.

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