Year 1 think about… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 1 think about Spring and flowers

Year 1 think about Spring and flowers

Spring has arrived! The Spring Equinox was talked about in Forest School and we discussed how much lighter it is now when we get home. We talked about the seasons, sequencing them and deciding what they might find at the bottom of the school grounds which wasn’t there two weeks ago. Taking an ipad with them, the children looked carefully for signs of Spring and took photos as proof. A bird’s nest, clumps of primroses, bees tunnelling out from under a tree, trees showing leaf buds and a rabbit hole were all spotted by the very observant year group.

In Science, the children continued thinking about Spring and flowers. They had enacted the journey of a bee as it flies from flower to flower seeking nectar and, in turn, pollinating the flowers last week This week, the children looked closely at flowers using hand lenses. “How many petals do flowers have?” “Are most flowers yellow?” “What do the seeds look like?” and “Where do the flowers keep nectar?” were questions they thought of and wished to investigate. They drew what they saw and, using an identification sheet, they worked out which flower they were looking at. Some of their drawings and observations were excellent and their pleasure when using the hand lenses was tangible.

In Maths, the children have been continuing to reinforce their ability to tell the time. They made their own card clocks to help them show different o’clock and half past times. They drew hands on clock faces to show times and matched times to clock faces. They then played Bingo to show recognition of these times.

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