Year 1 ask questions… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 1 ask questions after the discovery of a sparkly slipper

Year 1 ask questions after the discovery of a sparkly slipper

During English, our work on writing questions and using speech bubbles began with the discovery of a sparkly slipper! Of course everyone wanted to try it on and ask “Does it fit?” It is quite tricky to identify the words spoken by each character and to put these into speech bubbles but year one gave it a really good go. The children loved trying on Cinderella’s glittery glass slipper.. they were amazed when it fit Mrs Johnson!

As part of our work on time, in Maths we have been learning sequences of days of the week and months of the year, we have been trying to read and spell the words too.

During Art we have enjoyed designing and making robots out of recycled rubbish. Our topic lesson on what happens to rubbish that isn’t recycled was fascinating and we learnt that some rubbish is washed out to sea via the rivers and creates garbage patches in the sea.

As soon as we have a date for our trip to the charity shop we will let you know. The children will be able to take one item to donate to Barnardos.

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