Year 1 recover from… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 1 recover from fantastic school fayre

Year 1 recover from fantastic school fayre

This week Year 1 have been busy recovering from our fantastic school fayre. What a busy cafe with lots of customers being served with fruit punch, scones with jam and cream and of course our exotic fruit kebabs; all homemade or more accurately made by the children at school. The children were brilliant at totalling the bills and were such good waiters and waitresses we may yet see some of them in the hospitality business - our service was so good one waitress was offered a tip!

We have had a lot of thanks to say and consequently our English lessons have focused on using our previously learnt skills of recall, sentence construction and of course good handwriting to write letters to Farmer Rodger of Peterley Farm. We have also written letters to the Reception children informing them of what life is like in Year 1, an exciting and worthwhile activity for both sets of children.

In Maths we revisited telling the time to the hour, half hour and quarter hour on analogue clocks. This is something all the children need to practise and of course this can be done at home in everyday life, for example, reading the clock when it is time for bed! Pictograms have been interpreted and created by the children using birthdays. They really enjoyed collecting and recording the data from both classes. In Science we tested a number of different types of magnets to find which was the strongest and discovered that this was the large dumbbell magnet. Many of the children noticed that the pull of the magnets varied according to the distance between the magnet and the paper.

In between all of this work we have been practising our lines, our moves and our dances for The Cow that Laid an Egg. The children are doing really well with all of this but... please keep practising! Thank you.

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