Year 1 say a fond… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 1 say a fond farewell to Mrs Outten and the ducklings

Year 1 say a fond farewell to Mrs Outten and the ducklings

Louise and duckling best pic

At last the ducklings have hatched. Mummy duck, Mrs Outten has been proudly showing off her new brood! Two little yellow ducklings are proving the best distraction to have at the end of term. We have learnt a lot about looking after them and created our own Duck factfiles in English. The children have enjoyed reading the ducklings stories and have been holding them very gently.

As we say goodbye to Mrs Outten, we know we will miss her but we are so glad to have spent this year with her in Year 1. Thanks for everything Mrs Outten and good luck next year!

Finally, here is our certificate from RMHO for our recent mini-mudder fundraiser. Thanks for your support!

We hope you all have a lovely, restful holiday.
Mrs Kemp

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