Year 1 - Sont incroyables | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 1 - Sont incroyables

Year 1 - Sont incroyables

This term, the children have been working hard to extend their knowledge of various topic areas, including counting to 40 and beyond - they seem to be budding mathematicians, even in French, and remain unbeatable at Number Tennis!

They can also say in no uncertain terms which colours and pets they like and describe the weather in a range of expressions, with actions to match!

Their listening skills have also been fine-tuned, so that when they watch short video clips, they quickly recognise French ‘cousins’ (cognates). This has put them in good stead for playing Jacques Dit - tell them to ‘jouer de la guitare’, ‘du violon’, or ‘au basket’, or to ‘marcher comme un ours polaire’, and they will know which action to do (or not, if Jacques has not given the instruction)!

More recently, we have explored customs such as Bastille Day (in contrast with Guy Fawkes) and St Nicolas (celebrated on 6 December) and learnt some interesting facts about Canada, another francophone country. Even more exciting was the lesson on winters and the effects of extremely cold temperatures in Canada. Next week, we shall concentrate on the Christmas theme, of course!

The children’s confidence and proficiency have grown with the help of song, role play and by playing plenty of games (mime, feely and silhouette quiz games, Spin the Bottle). Above all, a big dose of enthusiasm and class friendship have helped - bravo, Year 1!

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