Year 2 do some very… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 2 do some very accurate measuring

Year 2 do some very accurate measuring

This week in Year 2 we have been measuring accurately to the nearest cm. We have thought about what objects we would need to measure in metres and which we would measure in cm. We have estimated the lengths of various items in the classroom and then sorted them into those more than 10 cm, less than 10 cm and exactly 10 cm. We then went on to use our measuring skills to measure strips of paper to make our own Christmas tree card. We had to work accurately to measure and cut rectangles and strips of exactly the correct length.

In English we used all of the facts we have learnt about the Isle of Coll in our Topic lessons to write a postcard. We had to use informal language, adjectives to describe and a range of conjunctions to extend our sentences. We had lots of fun thinking about the things we could do on the Isle of Coll such as: seal spotting, walking along windswept beaches, a trip in a boat around the bay and a visit to the ruins of castle McColl.

Maybe anyone taking a trip over the holidays might like to send us a postcard at school that we can share when we get back.

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