Year 2 - descriptive… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 2 - descriptive imagery and anti bullying

Year 2 - descriptive imagery and anti bullying

What a busy week we have had! Year 2 are continuing reading stories about Katie Morag and this week it was about Tiresome Ted. Unfortunately, Katie Morag was feeling very grumpy and jealous when her baby sister was born and she took it out on her teddy. Lots of discussion ensued exploring her feelings and allowing the children to empathise with Katie Morag. A tremendous storm took place in the story and the children used descriptive imagery to describe the scene. They excelled themselves with some of their vocabulary choices, for example: ‘The wild roar never ended!’ (Annabelle) ‘Grey, icy clouds’(Maxwell) ‘People waving their tiny hands frantically’ (Harriet G) ‘The ferocious sea is horrifying’ (Belle) ‘The wild waves boom against the rocks’ (Connor) ‘The fierce waves go boom, boom against the rocks.’ (Felix) ‘The wild waves crash through the night.’ (Jayden).

Over half term, the children researched a famous inventor of materials and, during this week in Science, they have put together their ideas to create informative posters. They worked hard to find the information and to select what was suitable for the task in hand and they enjoyed telling us about their findings. They realise how important these materials are in our everyday lives.

This week is Anti-Bullying week and the children have discussed what bullying is, how to recognise it and how to deal with it. Year 2 were given scenes to discuss and then to act out in order to help establish whether the situations were of bullying or not. It was good to hear so many insightful and sensible ideas from the children.

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