Year 2 explore movement,… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 2 explore movement, direction, angles and turns

Year 2 explore movement, direction, angles and turns

This week, Year 2 have been spinning round and round and round! They have been looking at movement and direction, exploring right angles, left and right, clockwise and anticlockwise turns. They hid toys and had to give directions using appropriate vocabulary to their partner, so that they could be found easily. Yesterday, they had an investigation to explore routes on a grid, and they were required to record their answers systematically. The children have now started measurement, using standard units and the need for them. They also found that their height was nearly the same length as measuring their arm span. Try it and see!

To support your child at home next week, it would be good to make up routes using the vocabulary above. A letter has been sent with your child regarding the play costumes; any queries, don’t hesitate to come and see us.

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