Year 2 have a go at… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 2 have a go at diary writing

Year 2 have a go at diary writing

Having completed their wonderful information books about India before half term, the children have been thinking about another genre in English - diary writing. We read the book “Diary of a Wombat” by Jackie French and then wrote in the first person and past tense about two things which they did during the half term holiday and one made up activity. There was much pleasure taken in reading each other's sentences and attempting to guess which of the three events did not happen. They have also been practising extending their sentences with conjunctions and adding subordinating clauses. All this is in preparation for writing their own diary from the eyes of a chosen Indian animal next week.

Our studies of India continued in topic with a somewhat topical look at the impact of flooding. The children were shocked to hear that during one Monsoon season 94cm of rain fell in just one day. They considered the impact of the resulting flood and also learnt about the importance of the Ganges, Indus and Narmada rivers to the people of India.

In maths we have been identifying 2D shapes by the number of sides and vertices, noticing that not all pentagons look the same, and sorting by a range of criteria including ‘a polygon’ and ‘not a polygon’. We have also been practicing drawing 2D shapes very accurately using a ruler and lined paper and identifying lines of symmetry.

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