Year 2 have a magical… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 2 have a magical wizardry week

Year 2 have a magical wizardry week

We have had a magical wizardry week! On Tuesday, school had its Roald Dahl 100th birthday celebrations and Year 2 were George for the day! They considered all the gruesome ingredients George found to make his marvellous medicine for Grandma, and they were let loose on their own ingredients (supplied by their teachers) and ideas! They had to concentrate when measuring the liquids, checking that they really were squirting in ‘10ml of red rat’s blood’, or tipping in ‘20ml of gooey slug slime’. They used syringes, pipettes and scaled beakers to help with accuracy. Some then ‘chopped up stringy worms’ or ‘mixed in ‘puff of ox breath’. Imaginations were whizzing! The amazing medicines are safely stored on the shelves in their classrooms with their recipes beautifully written above - beware!

Continuing the theme of imagination, the children have also dressed up, creating their own character. They are thinking about nouns, adjectives and expanded noun phrases this week and so are applying this knowledge when describing their characters. Together we looked at descriptions Roald Dahl gave some of his characters and found some great ideas to use ourselves.

Next week we are going on our trip to Aylesbury Museum to look at Roald Dahl’s Buckinghamshire and also having a fun time in the world of Roald Dahl’s characters. More fun in store!

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