Year 2 prepare someā€¦ | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 2 prepare some Indian food

Year 2 prepare some Indian food

Having learnt about the hardships endured climbing up Mount Everest and then tasting different Indian teas (lots of potential mountaineers and tea tasters in Year 2!), this week we have been trying our culinary skills. The children were given a range of spices and, after looking at them carefully, tried to decide about which part of the plant the spice came from. Ginger was obvious, most children realised that they were looking at the root of the plant, but cloves was less easy, though once told it was the bud before it had started to unfurl, the children started to look very closely. The bark of the cinnamon also proved interesting as the children could see how it curled. They also enjoyed smelling the different spices, working out if they might go in sweet or savoury dishes and if they thought they were strong and fiery.

Then came the cooking! The children assembled together ingredients for an Indian pastry, including potatoes, peas and spices and after filling their pastry shape, gave it an egg wash finish. Mrs Applegate then took them over to be cooked! Delicious! Equally tasty was the raita the children made. They were very careful following instructions and enjoyed helping each other. They tasted the dip with naan bread and poppadoms. A great morning was the verdict!

To help your child next week, please could you tackle learning their 2, 5 and 10 times table. The children look forward to showing you their classroom and work and the Take One Picture exhibition on Saturday, and also telling you all about India at their celebration assembly next Friday (16 03 18)

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