Year 2 search for India… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 2 search for India on a map of the World

Year 2 search for India on a map of the World

This week year 2 have worked on finding out exactly where India is in the world. The children have been using the google earth app on the ipads during our ICT lessons to search for India on the globe and some of us have even managed to find the capital city New Delhi or take a walk around the Taj Mahal using street view.

In our topic session we used the Atlases to find all 7 continents and 5 oceans. Once we had labeled all these on our own world map we were able to locate India in Asia and even make a key to show the Bay of Bengal and Arabian sea which border India.

All of this research has provided a great starting point for writing our very own non-fiction books about India. For example: Did you know there are 22 different languages spoken in India? Or that a King Cobra can kill 20 people!

In addition to all the interesting facts we have discovered about India, its climate and animals, our books will include all the features of a non-fiction text that we have identified such as captions, subheadings and a glossary.

In preparation for our trip to the Mandir the children have also been learning about the Hindu faith in RE. They have been fascinated by the appearance and attributes of the many Hindu Gods and are now very excited about our trip.

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