Year 2 sketch snowdrops… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 2 sketch snowdrops during Forest School

Year 2 sketch snowdrops during Forest School

This week in Year 2 we have been taking steps to be healthy - inside and out. Throughout our science this half term, we have discussed many aspects of healthy living and looking after our physical wellbeing through food, being active and getting enough sleep. As part of Children’s Mental Health Week this week, we have also discussed just how important it is to look after our minds - our mental wellbeing too. This has made us consider our growth mindset and how we feel about our learning journey everyday. We have taken opportunities throughout the day to be ‘mindful’ and focussed, ready to start our learning.

This week our maths lessons have flown by - as we’ve begun learning all about time. We have worked on reading, making and drawing the time both digitally and on an analogue clock. We’ve tried to remember the rule ‘take care of the smallest hand first’ to spot the hour and have jumped around the clock to make o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. If you have visible clocks around your home, please continue to discuss with your child what the time is at different periods of the day.

In English, we have started to look at diary writing through the hilarious book ‘diary of a wombat’. Children have used their miming skills to act out the very busy and demanding life of the mischievous wombat during their drama session at Great Missenden Hall this week.

Towards the end of the week, we were delighted to spot the early signs of spring - with a field sprinkled in snowdrops. The children used their forest school books to sketch the details they could see.

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