Year 3 - Crazy about… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 3 - Crazy about castles

Year 3 - Crazy about castles

The Year 3 enthusiasm for Castles is reaching an all-time-high as the children ask quality questions and seek the answers from a variety of expert sources.

“How long have castles been around for?” was answered very quickly by Martin, our expert from Windsor Castle itself, who led us in an online education session pre our visit! “Around 1,000 years, ever since William the Conqueror invaded in the Battle of Hastings” was his answer, which of course led onto asking about the Battle of Hastings from most of the year group. Well, we’ll have to bend our inquiring minds into that topic next then!

Alongside steeping ourselves in facts and figures, we have also been learning to professionally present our information. We have been collaboratively designing our own non-fiction posters as part of a Year 3-wide competition. All teams will be judged by their peers on the following criteria:

The best designed poster, thinking about all the features that we have been learning along the way

The clearest and most engaging presentation of their facts

So watch this space.

On top of that, the children have been learning design processes to create their own websites too. They have been remote working from their desks on the same website in pairs (but also being able to chat about it) as they have been learning how to add pages, subpages, text and images to make an engaging platform, which we’d love to share with you all when ready.

There are also wild reports of designing moving castle parts in Design and Technology, drawing spooky castles in Art and a mediaeval instrument-making competition in Music!


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