Year 3 - how could wasps… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 3 - how could wasps be related to design and technology lessons?

Year 3 - how could wasps be related to design and technology lessons?

Paper was first made by the Chinese. A man watched a wasp chewing wood into pulp to make its nest. We are using recycled pulp, from egg boxes, to make our own paper. We had to tear the boxes into tiny pieces, then soak them in water. Mrs Osman -Allu then used her soup liquidiser from home to whizz the mixture into a thin, pulpy soup. Next we had to use a metal sieve to scim out a thin layer. We have spread the pulp very thinly and we are leaving it to dry. We are going to make books from the paper and bind them with leather just like the monks did in Medieval times.

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