Year 4 perform… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 4 perform rainforest themed poetry

Year 4 perform rainforest themed poetry

In English this week we have focused on rainforest themed poetry, in preparation for the house poetry competition after half term. We began by looking closely at how language can be used to create powerful imagery. In the poems studied, the children identified adjectives, similes, metaphors and personification. This language was used to describe in interesting ways, in order to build up a picture in the reader’s mind. We also examined the structure of the poems and considered how verses, rhyming patterns and syllable structures were used. We discovered that these organisational features enabled us to read the poems aloud more easily and fluently, helping us to keep a steady rhythm. The children then enjoyed performing a poem in pairs or small groups. They gave constructive feedback, encouraging each other to project their voices clearly, use expression and add emphasis where appropriate. Some even introduced actions to enhance their recital. Hopefully these are skills the children can draw on to help them deliver a great performance in the house poetry competition! Please can we ask parents and carers to help the children learn their chosen poem off by heart during the holiday, so that they are ready to take part with confidence after half term. Many thanks for your support.

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