Year 4 had a great day… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 4 had a great day out at Holly Green Farm

Year 4 had a great day out at Holly Green Farm

A fantastic day was experienced by all Year 4s at Holly Green Farm. Despite the steady rainfall first thing in the morning, we were lucky enough to be blessed with relatively dry weather and even bright sunshine in the afternoon!

Three contrasting habitats were selected in order to investigate the organisms found living there. The habitats chosen were: pond, woodland, and a maize field.

The pond was teeming with fascinating creatures to study and identify, and the children were thrilled and amazed when a water scorpion was discovered.

‘When we went fishing, I enjoyed it because we caught lots of water mini-beasts; there were also lots of water-leeches wriggling around in the water! ’Amber

The Woodlands provided the children with a wealth of opportunities to increase their knowledge of minibeasts and their habitats. The children carried out tree rubbings, identified micro-habitats and enjoyed using the ‘bugnoculars’ to examine mini-beasts close up!

‘We looked at lots of different types of mini-beasts and even discovered two different species of spider!’ Thehan

Armed with rulers and clipboards, the children carried out an examination of growing plants in the maize field. Using the knowledge gained from our data collection, we were then able to explain why many plants in the rainforest grow tall and thin in order to compete for the sunlight.

‘It was like we were in the actual rainforest; the leaves were like a canopy!’ Sam B

A fun-packed and informative day was had by all and Mrs Kemp, Mrs Reid-Jones, Miss Elcomb and Miss Crangles know the children have a wealth of information to share back in the classroom.

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