Year 4 imagine what life… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 4 imagine what life is like in the rainforest

Year 4 imagine what life is like in the rainforest

This week, the children have been thinking carefully about what it would be like to live in a rainforest and comparing the lives they lead with our own. We watched some clips of their daily life, including some from ‘Human Planet’. The children were highly impressed with the man who climbed 40 metres up a tree in the Congolese rainforest to collect honey for his family. Not only did he do it with no safety equipment, he only had a vine to help him climb and when he got to the top, he was being constantly stung by bees as he took out the honeycomb. The children were glad we can just get it from the supermarket! Similarly, the children didn’t like the idea of how children as young as 5 hunt for their tasty treats in the Venezuelan rainforest - toasted goliath tarantula! We then thought very carefully about how their lives are similar and different to ours.

‘It was really strange how the tribe put poison in their eyes to try and sharpen their senses'. Will T

'It was fun when I learnt about how the tribes eat anything they catch- gross or not gross!' Sophia H

'You have to be really strong and have hard feet to climb the trees to collect honey.' Zoe

'I learnt that it's hard to collect honey in the rainforest because you have to climb up a 40 metre tree using vines!' Stanley

'It's amazing that the boys from the tribes know how to hunt tarantulas from when they are five!'. Jago

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