Year 4 learn about the… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 4 learn about the Vikings

Year 4 learn about the Vikings

Firstly, great news! We were delighted and so proud of the children with their great ESB results. These reflected all the hard work the children had put into their presentations and we know that they have learnt so much about talking in front of an audience.

It has been ‘raiding’ week this week for Year 4! The children are writing descriptive stories about the raid on Lindisfarne from the Viking’s point of view. They have read extracts from Anglo-Saxon chronicles, listened to Sibelius’ ‘Finlandia’, crept along different surfaces within the school grounds trying not to be heard and analysing feelings - all to add to their skills when creating and writing atmospheric descriptions. In their grammar lesson, they were embedding clauses and, of course, they were challenged to include those in their writing. The children certainly rose to the challenge and wrote some wonderfully powerful stories.

In Science, the children have been measuring bones and seeing how much they grow. Year 1 and 6 were very kind and helpful, allowing us to take measurements of their skulls, forearms, femurs. and feet. 4EH were amazed at how little difference there was between the sizes of the skulls in Year 1, 4 and 6. They were then set an investigation - the larger the feet, the further the jump. They planned and carried out their own tests in groups and, a rather noisy half hour later, concluded that this was not true at all. Lots of measuring was involved and it was lovely to see them working so well in their groups, helping each other, listening to all the ideas and trying to be as careful and accurate as possible - just like scientists should be!

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