Year 6 - building buddy… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 6 - building buddy skills and living the ASPIRE values

Year 6 - building buddy skills and living the ASPIRE values

Taking on ‘Responsibilities’ is an essential part of being a Senior at Gateway. Pupils support others around the school and often look forward to talking about their varying roles when they move on to senior school. This year, we have developed further our peer support or Buddy Scheme.

The system is adopted as a whole-school approach. Children at Gateway are very good at looking out for younger children who may need help. They act as Playground Pals, who encourage and help other pupils to play together during breaks. This system has helped not only to alert staff of any worries and concerns but also to foster relationships between different age groups and to engage everyone in collaborative play and interaction.

Our new buddy training programme for Year 6 is taking many different forms, involving mediation skills, peer education, peer listening and buddying. Children are also learning the importance of trust in the buddy relationship. They value mutual respect, compassion and sensitivity as a good buddy.

Buddy training has also focused on what it is to be a good buddy and will finish with badges awarded to everyone in the Year. It will acknowledge the importance of building good relationships and showing empathy as well as being an understanding friend. They will practise their new skills as soon the current restrictions allow. Children have identified the expectations of a good buddy and appreciated the importance of showing commitment. By building some of the skills and qualities that buddies need, Year 6 children are living the ASPIRE values that all at Gateway hold so dear.

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