Year 6 get all emotional… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire

Year 6 get all emotional in MFL lessons

Year 6 get all emotional in MFL lessons

This week, many of the Year 6 children became rather excited when Mr Lloyd explained all about their trip to France coming up next summer. They saw lots of photos of previous French Trips showing the lovely excursions and challenging activities that they will be embarking on themselves. The Year 6 parents also attended a meeting on Wednesday in which Mr Lloyd explained and discussed all about the trip. Many of them were just as excited as the children at the prospect of a break away! [Reminder: Yr6 parents need to book their child’s place on the trip by this Monday - latest]

Meanwhile in German lessons, the children have been learning a song and some phrases to show various emotions by answering the question ‘Hallo, wie geht’s?’ [How are you?]. We have enjoyed singing along with the catchy tune and adding appropriate actions and facial expressions. Responses include ‘Ich bin glücklich’ [I’m happy], ‘Ich bin müde’ [I’m tired], ‘Ich bin traurig’ [I’m sad] and ‘Ich bin hungrig’ [I’m hungry].
Needless to say, we discovered a few ‘divas’ as we sang along!

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